Our guests will discover the cultural interest of Châtillonnais en Bourgogne



The presence of man is here permanent since the prehistory (1000 years before J.C). The attraction has rested mostly on the mineral resources. The metal industry, in relation with the wood can be the main thread of this historical development.


The local processing of its resources and its position in a zone of European convergence allowed for a long time to make of the territory a center of trade between the Northern Europe and the Southern Europe.





The area has inherited from an important cultural and historic succession. Among the most remarkable elements, its archaeological wealth (the vase of Vix is an emblem) and the monachal inheritance stemming from several orders (Cistercians, Knight Templars, Chartreux) have particularly marked the area, both at the level of the building and of its organization. It is also rich in an important immaterial culture, based on the inspiration and the reassurance which it arouses.
It also engendered a certain shape of religious spirituality, in particular towards the Cistercians with Robert de Molesmes and Bernard de Clairvaux.
This cultural presence remains in a network today valuing the vestiges of past (Museum of the Country Châtillonnais - Treasury of Vix, Abbey of Auberive, Abbey of the Val des Choues).


chouxAn interesting website : http://www.tourisme-en-france.com/fr/regions-france/carte-le-chatillonnais-cote-d-or-patrimoine-eglise-cathedrale-basilique-chapelle-crypte-abbatiale-collegiale-paroissiale-croix-couvent-abbaye-monastere-calvaire/50/71